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Please remember to Pick.Click.Give to Alaska’s Healing Hearts,

when you file for your PFD. With your help we can continue to serve


  “ The Battle Wounded & Battle Weary”



The application period is January 1 through March 31, and you can add or Change a Pick.Click.Give donation to your previously filed application until July 31st. 


If you’ve already filed, it’s easy to log on again and choose a cause that matters to you. A small donation can make a big impact! Start Here






If you give...and your neighbor does...and will add up quickly.  With one donation at a time, we can make good things happen all over Alaska.When you make a donation from your PFD through Pick.Click.Give., you can make an impact by sharing just a little with a cause you care about.Strengthen the arts, invest in education, shelter a homeless pet, lend a hand, or even make a wish come true when you give to one of Alaska's nonprofits.The success of Pick.Click.Give. grows every year.When you go online to apply for your dividend, you will see the Pick.Click.Give. option.  Click and follow the instructions to make your donation. Organizations across Alaska are part of the program this year.  You're likely to find one you already support, and you can use Pick.Click.Give. to make an additional gift.  Or you may find a new nonprofit whose cause is important to you, and you can donate to that organization. You may give all or part of your dividend, whatever is appropriate for you and your family.  We simply encourage you to give.

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Alaska's Healing Hearts is a national organization offering year-round outdoor recreational opportunities for America’s brave wounded warriors and their families. Rehabilitation activities include fishing, skiing, rodeo, The Island of Hope and Healing, and various other outdoor pursuits. We work to provide new and challenging options and experiences in an effort to contribute to the social reintegration necessary for our nation’s heroes.
We strive to reach beyond the clinical rehabilitation offered to injured military personnel and provide hope for warriors to continue to live active and productive lives. 

Alaska’s Healing Hearts witness first-hand how our various programs and events genuinely help bolster confidence and self-esteem.  Our goal is to continue to provide opportunities to discover the new normal for every Warrior and their loved ones.


Alaska's Healing Hearts is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt #27-4036000, non-profit organization

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